Thursday, July 27, 2006

Science Fiction is better than Shakespeare

Science Fiction Better Than Shakespeare!

Science fiction has boldly gone further than even the story tellers of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome could have ever imagined. Yet, even so, whether it is beings with superior powers, strange monsters or gods doing dastardly deeds, the basic ninety nine ways of telling a story remain the same.

Even the film Star Ship Troopers, uses the plot lines that fans of Jane Austin would be familiar with. Take Mansfield Park, like Starship Troopers, both are critiques on the social values of the day and how the characters in both stories adjust and grow up in the changing circumstances. In both we are seeing how an outside threat is likely to end the privileged life of the characters, e.g. the coming of the industrial revolution and the end of earth itself. In both we have a strong female heroin, who grows from a timid girl to a fully confident woman, who saves the day.To read more Fiction.htm

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