Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Party Political Funding

Party Political Funding

The Westminster media village is all hot and bothered about the alleged payment for peerages. The solution is glaringly obvious – state party political funding!

This way, no political parties will have to depend on donations, dubious loans or alleged bribery for their election activities. Democracy costs money! From my campaign experience, it is obvious that voters are desperate for well-informed knowledge and plentiful information, on which to base their choice. They want to hear more, not less, arguments and debate. Dependence on old-fashioned leafleting (otherwise known as junk mail?) is ridiculous and the use of advertising, particularly the internet, is essential, so that the voter can make an informed and democratic choice. This involves, more, not less, money. Clearly, the present system is not up to it. Yes, state funding is inevitable.

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