Friday, March 31, 2006

To Russia with Condescention

News stories about Russia are treated by our media in a condescending and ill-informed manner.

Instead of the facts, we get the same old themes about the Kremlin acting dictatorially. We never get the detailed background behind the Kremlin’s actions. Take new Russian laws to regulate NGO’s. What is never reported is how the Russian mafia is using them to launder money or bribe politicians, yet, we in Europe, have similar regulations, to prevent such criminal activities.

The Russian - Ukrainian gas dispute, our media portrayed Russia as the big bad wolf threatening its former region. The truth seems to be that the old contract was providing cheaper fuel to Ukrainian industry than to Russian industry, and so Gazprom had to take action.

In a recent television programme, it was clear that the presenter/chairman did not comprehend the complex issues involved and pursued the media bias against the Russian government.

The British media must try to stop being condescending and try to present the underlying facts behind the story.

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