by Nicholas Newman Editor
Almost every day we hear that the West is to blame for Africa’s problems. Yet, every day we hear the only solution is more European Union (EU) aid is needed for sub-Saharan Africa, despite the EU spending some many billions, over the last five years in development aid.
There are many theories as to why foreign aid policy has failed in Africa. It certainly worked in South East Asia, which has transformed these economies into economic tigers. Such theories that try to explain why sub-Saharan Africa remains stubbornly poor could fill many shelves in a library.
Such theories as to why Africa has failed range from poor leadership to the terms of trade being unfair for developing countries. To read more
Africa - the continent that keeps failing
The blame of the continent’s woes has often been blamed on predatory and corrupt leadership. Certainly Mugabe and Mobutu have been accused of amassing massive fortunes while bankrupting their countries. Yet, it’s difficult to simply put it down to just corrupt leadership. Indonesia’s Suharto; despite amassing a similar sized fortune, still managed to achieve records in economic growth and poverty reduction.
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